4 research outputs found

    A Framework Proposal to Evaluate Conceptual Models Framing Wicked Managerial Concepts

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    Visual and collaborative canvases named visual inquiry tools have emerged as a powerful design science research (DSR) artefact to address wicked managerial problems. According to the design theory for visual inquiry tools, designing such a tool entails the development of a particular type of conceptual model, namely a parsimonious and simple conceptual model. Although the theory lists design principles that the conceptual model must abide by, it unfortunately remains silent regarding how one evaluates it in regard to them. Given that, coupled with the fundamental position evaluation holds in DSR, this research paper builds on existing prescriptive knowledge to develop a framework that supports designers in the evaluation of their conceptual model. The framework is composed of four evaluands, evaluation criteria, and guiding questions which depict, at a high-level, the questions to ask to evaluate the conceptual model. The framework is then applied to evaluate an existing conceptual model

    The Design of the Agile Culture Transformation Canvas

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    In today’s fast-paced environment where priorities are constantly changing, organisations are increasingly turning towards agile. When doing so, organisations ought to consider their organisational culture because being agile is inherently a matter of culture. This is however a challenging task, in particular, because what is meant by having an agile culture highly depends on the organisation. Therefore, to help organisations in this journey we have initiated a design science research project to design the Agile Culture Transformation Canvas (ACTC). The ACTC is a visual tool that offers a collaborative space for its users to analyse their current culture, co-design their desired agile culture and define steps on how to close the gap between the two. In this short paper, we present the steps we have already taken in the design journey of the ACTC and along with the next ones planned

    From a traditional to an agile culture: building a crossable bridge

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    Être agile a pendant longtemps Ă©tĂ© perçu comme Ă©tant un buzzword. Cependant, accentuĂ© par l’émergence du Covid-19, agile est maintenant considĂ©rĂ© comme Ă©tant indispensable pour les entreprises. En effet, les bĂ©nĂ©fices attendus de l’agilitĂ© tels que la capacitĂ© Ă  rapidement s’adapter aux changements ou encore un meilleur alignement entre business et IT, sont d’autant plus utiles au vu de la situation actuelle. Toutefois, afin de rĂ©colter ces dits bĂ©nĂ©fices, l’entreprise se doit d’entreprendre une transformation agile. Il ne s’agit donc pas, uniquement d’une simple adoption des pratiques agile dans certaines Ă©quipes de dĂ©veloppement, mais une transformation globale de l’entreprise. DĂšs lors, la culture organisationnelle d’une entreprise considĂ©rĂ©e comme « traditionnelle » s’avĂšre ĂȘtre un obstacle considĂ©rable Ă  cette transformation, puisque Ă  l’opposĂ©e d’une culture dite agile. AncrĂ© en Design Science Research, ce papier prĂ©sente la premiĂšre Ă©tape d’un projet de recherche visant Ă  aider les organisations Ă  mener leur transformation culturelle vers l’agilitĂ©. L’étude empirique au sein d’une entreprise traditionnelle entreprenant une transformation agile, nous a permis d’identifier un premier problĂšme : la difficultĂ© Ă  dĂ©finir ce qu’est une culture agile au vu d’une telle transformation. Face Ă  ce problĂšme, ce papier relate le dĂ©veloppement d’une solution visuelle et collaborative et propose comme premiĂšre Ă©tape un modĂšle conceptuel pour le design de cette solution. Nous contribuons ainsi Ă  enrichir la littĂ©rature parcellaire sur la culture agile et le besoin d’outils appropriĂ©s, et proposons les premiĂšres bases au dĂ©veloppement d’un outil visuel permettant aux acteurs de s’engager collectivement dans la cartographie de leur culture actuelle et l’identification de la culture agile souhaitĂ©e. Cette solution servira alors de pont entre la culture d’entreprise actuelle et la culture agile dĂ©sirĂ©e, et facilitera donc le chemin sinueux vers l’agilitĂ©